• electronic medical records

Podcast Episode 7: Why It’s Mutually Beneficial For Doctors and Patients to Participate in the Electronic Sharing of Medical Records

2023-10-05T20:57:04+00:00August 22nd, 2023|Best Practices|

Clinical health information exchanges were created to be used for the bi-directional exchange of clinical information about mutual patients; this means that if you take something from the clinical exchange, so that other future treating providers can see a comprehensive clinical history about the patient, you are required to give something back.  When all providers do

  • physicians exchanging data in busy medical office setting

Blog: Healthcare Staffing: 5 Solutions for Retaining Your Healthcare Workforce

2024-03-19T21:18:23+00:00August 10th, 2023|Best Practices, Blog, Value Based Care|

Healthcare Staffing: 5 Solutions for Retaining Your Healthcare Workforce As a fast-paced work environment, hospitals and clinics keep healthcare staff busy, making for a demanding industry with long hours and increased stress levels. Doctors and nurses charge through the hospital — like ants rushing to find enough supplies to secure the colony’s survival before winter

Blog: Interoperability in Healthcare — Where We Are & Where We Want to Go

2024-03-19T21:19:01+00:00August 7th, 2023|Best Practices, Blog, Value Based Care|

Interoperability in Healthcare — Where We Are & Where We Want to Go In an ever-evolving world of healthcare, connectivity and collaboration are critical in realizing positive health outcomes for patients. That’s why interoperability, particularly in recent years, has become one of the foremost healthcare concerns — marking the cornerstone of thriving organizations and seamless

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