• person typing on laptop with security icons that reflect safeguarding healthcare information

10 Best Practices for Protecting Confidential Health Information

2023-01-05T21:05:29+00:00August 20th, 2021|Best Practices|

Protecting patient information has become more complex in recent years. Technology is now an integrated part of how we manage medical records, schedule and document patient visits, order prescriptions, handle billing and reimbursement, make referrals, and coordinate care. It's more important than ever to have some clear strategies in place for ensuring protected health

  • electronic medical records

Is it Okay to Send Health Information in an Email?

2023-01-05T21:08:52+00:00August 4th, 2021|Best Practices|

When the 21st Century Cures Act was passed in 2016, patients and their caregivers were guaranteed digital access to their clinical data. While the act/law itself was passed by congress in 2016, the associated regulations were published in March 2020. Once fully implemented, patients would gain the right to access their health information online.

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